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September 21 2014 7 21 /09 /September /2014 13:00

Everyone seems to have really enjoyed spending time in Millau with our wonderful French hosts... I'm sure there'll be tears tomorrow when we have to say goodbye!

Last night we had a great time playing La Pétanque (a traditional French game, a bit like bowls) and then going bowling together. Mrs Stephenson was really good at bowling although everyone tried really hard and had a lot of fun.

I can't wait to hear all about the exciting things that everyone has done today with their host families!


Mrs S

Enjoying our final days in Millau.
Enjoying our final days in Millau.
Enjoying our final days in Millau.
Enjoying our final days in Millau.
Enjoying our final days in Millau.
Enjoying our final days in Millau.
Enjoying our final days in Millau.
Enjoying our final days in Millau.
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September 21 2014 7 21 /09 /September /2014 11:45

Today we are spending a day with our French host families. Its our last full day!! :( We are going to La Couvertoirade after lunch. I am looking forward to it! I'm really going to miss all the pupils but we have given each other our FB, snapchat etc. I'm also going to really miss my host family. Cecile (mother) is very nice and knows some English so that came in handy when I tried to speak to Maëlle's brother Eymeric. He is very cute and funny, this morning we were watching telly and it was 'Princesse Sophia'. I joked and told him it was my favorite programme and he really laughed. Maëlle's father is also very nice and helpful at meal times, and their dog Fidji is sooooo adorable! <3

Ellena & Maëlle

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September 20 2014 6 20 /09 /September /2014 11:00

We had a great day discovering Millau yesterday (Friday)... we began the day with a visit to the local market where students had the chance to browse the fruit and meat stalls before having a quick look in some of the local shops. We then had a guided tour of the Millau museum and learnt all about the history of glove-making in the area... Can anyone remember which celebrities own a pair of gloves made in Millau? We also spent time making beautiful leather bracelets - I wonder if you can guess who made each one from the photo below.

We had hoped to spend the afternoon taking part in a canoeing lesson, however due to some recent storms in Millau, the level of the River Tarn was a little too high, so we headed back into the town centre for a quiz about the culture and history of Millau. Well done to Euan, Elizabeth, Ronan and Guillaume who were in the winning team!

Hopefully everyone has had the chance to relax a little this morning ahead of our pétanque and bowling party this evening... It seems Emily and Cindy think they stand a good chance of beating everybody!!

Mrs s

Discovering Millau
Discovering Millau
Discovering Millau
Discovering Millau
Discovering Millau
Discovering Millau
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September 19 2014 5 19 /09 /September /2014 19:24

To night i am staying over at cindy's housse in castelnau Pegayrols! I love it. She bas 4 horses called Tara, Just, Amour and Electra. I have bien to stroke them and they are very cute. She has a very big house and it is really nice. She also has cows and i saw a calf that had been born today. She has some hunting dogs aswell which are adorable. It is as shame that we didnt get to go rafting but we still had a nice affternoon looking around the town and doing the quiz. I am really excited for bowling and bowles tommorow!!

Coucou , je suis avec Émily , nous allons faire une partie crêpes !! On s'amuse bien , il nous tarde demain . Je pense que dans chaque famille ,il y a la même excitations, les mêmes fou rires et la joie d'être ensemble et de partager des choses uniques .... A demain à la pétanque .Emily va tous vous battre !!!


Emily and Cindy:)

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September 18 2014 4 18 /09 /September /2014 18:54
We're in the paper!
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September 18 2014 4 18 /09 /September /2014 18:42

A few photos from the last 24 hours, including our dance lesson, visiting La Graufesenque, exploring the famous Roquefort cheese caves and admiring the viaduct......

Mrs S

Ready to dance!

Ready to dance!

Quelques photos
Quelques photos
Learning about the local pottery that was made 2000 years ago!

Learning about the local pottery that was made 2000 years ago!

Quelques photos
Quelques photos
In 'The temple'

In 'The temple'

Quelques photos
Making pottery

Making pottery

Quelques photos
Quelques photos


Visiting the famous viaduct

Visiting the famous viaduct

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September 18 2014 4 18 /09 /September /2014 12:23

Everyone's still having a brilliant time here in Millau! Yesterday we had the pleasure of teaming up with our French host students to learn some traditional dances- what great fun, even if some of the steps were difficult to remember at first! Our dance teachers were very patient and demonstrated everything for us to follow.

This morning we had a lovely walk up to La Gaufesenque, to learn about the famous Roman pottery that was produced in Millau 2000 years ago... we learnt lots of interesting facts that I'm sure our students will be keen to write about later on. It's lunch time now, but we're looking forward to visiting the Roquefort cheese caves this afternoon.

Photos to follow!

Mrs S

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September 17 2014 3 17 /09 /September /2014 20:03

La danse aujourd'hui était vraiment bon / drôle parce que, tout le monde ne savait pas vraiment quoi faire, donc c'était drôle de voir les "essayer" de danser (moi y compris, car je ne savais pas vraiment quoi faire, j'ai fait quelques erreurs comme-bien, si c'était drôle de me voir "essayer" de faire comme-bien ) . Les gens ont fait beaucoup d'erreurs, mais c'était un rire . Sur une partie de la danse s nous avons dû s'associer avec quelqu'un et faire un peu de danse, parfois la jeune fille était un garçon et un garçon était une fille. Nous avons aussi fait un peu de danse en tant que groupe, mais nous avons fait un peu de danse en groupes de 4, eh bien, tout cela était très amusant. A la fin Mme Stephenson a pris des photos de nous mettre sur le blog. Elle a pris des photos pendant que nous faisions partie de la danse comme puits. Les enseignants se sont joints à la danse comme puits. Enfin, certains E étudiants rançais ont dû danser avec des étudiants français (garçon / fille). Nous avons eu quelques pauses que-bien. C'était amusant.

J'ai bien Aimé CES danses, meme si Elles étaient Très longues! Je n'aurais Jamais Penser Que ça could be Être si sportif et fatiguant! J'Ai Appris environnement 6 danses, certaines en groupe ous en duo. J'ai bien aimé Bref ...

Elizabeth & Chloé

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September 17 2014 3 17 /09 /September /2014 16:42

Aujourd’hui, après que les anglais aient passé la matinée dans les cours, j'ai accueilli Ellena et Maëlle pour qu'elle vienne manger chez moi. Lilou

Ensuite, nous avons rejoint les autres à la ganterie Causse. Nous sommes allés dans un atelier de danse traditionnelle. Ils nous ont appris le brise-pieds, et plein d'autres danses. Certaines étaient plus difficiles et c'était très drôle de voir tout le monde qui était perdu...

Après ça, on était tous fatigués et je pense que 'lon va bien dormir ^^.

Lilou & Maëlle

This morning we spent the morning in French classes again. We then left for lunch as the French pupils have Wednesday afternoon off (lucky!). We then all met up again for a traditional dance class. We learnt lots of different folk dances which have been passed down through generations. The dance teacher was very good and he was pleased that the dances his great great great grandparents (and further back than that) knew are going all over the world through pupils like us! It was enjoyable and funny, especially when I danced with Mrs Goodman; we had to swap roles due to some height issues... XD


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September 17 2014 3 17 /09 /September /2014 10:56

Yesterday, we had an educational visit around Millau, which included a visit to the Beffroi, atop which we were told about the extensive history of Millau. Likely one of the most interesting facts is the origin of Millau's flag ; supposedly, quite a while ago, a large battle was fought, and an important figure, whom I cannot remember at this moment, dipped his fingers in his own blood, and dragged them across his shield. It is because of this that the colours are not red and yellow, but, rather, 'sang et or', or blood and gold. We then proceedeed to walk about Millau, having various landmarks pointed out by our rather nice guide, which was followed by a visit to the town hall ; where we were formally greeted by the Mayor's stand-in. My day was concluded by going back to my host's house , which I was surprised to find out (the day before yesterday) is on a farm.

All in all, I had a rather enjoyable day, and can not wait for the rest of the week.

-Euan Macklin

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Où est Bridlington?


Bridlington est au bord de la mer, située sur la côte est de l’Angleterre. Bridlington est une ville sympa avec quelques belles maisons. Nous avons une plage, une super piscine, pittoresque églises et quelques restaurants géniaux. Dans le nord est Sewerby (une petite ville) avec un zoo. Il y a beaucoup des collèges, un hôpital, un poste de police…Bridlington est le meilleur.


Article publié par Ellis, élève anglais

Where is Millau?



Millau is a city in the south of France.
It's in Aveyron in Midi-Pyrénnées and it's 120 km from the sea.
In Millau there are two rivers, their names are the Tarn and the Dourbie.
There is also the highest bridge in the world.
In the city there are a cinema, a theatre, some restaurants, lots of Sports Clubs.
There are also three parks and the landscape is very green !!


Article sent by Mona et Lorène, French pupils