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May 11 2014 7 11 /05 /May /2014 16:12

Alors que les élèves anglais ont préparé votre arrivée au collège, chez eux et à Bridlington toute la semaine dernière...


j'espère que vous avez bouclé vos valises en suivant nos consignes!!!

Dernier rappel concernant les bagages:


Et n'oubliez surtout pas votre pièce d'identité que vous devrez me confier demain matin à la montée dans le bus... Pensez aussi au pique-nique (tout doit être jetable) et aux vêtements chauds...
RDV à 10h45 devant le gymnase Paul Tort pour un départ à 11h précises...

See you tomorrow!


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May 11 2014 7 11 /05 /May /2014 11:58
imagesCA396F94-copy-1.jpgCaptain Cook arrives at Hawaï in 1770 an discovers natives who move on waves with woode boards.
This sport becomes established in France in 1936 .
The surfing is the sport associated in Australia.
The surfing isn't at Olympics Games.
 The principal championat is World Championship Tour (WCT) .The tests take place between February and December.
The last champion is Mike Fanning .He is an australian.
Kelly Slater is a man who received most of title in the history of championat of world of surfing. But too, he is the oldest champion (39 years old) having been the youngest (20 years old) .
Cindy , french pupil 
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May 11 2014 7 11 /05 /May /2014 09:13

Attention, bien qu'il fasse beau en ce moment dans le Sud de la France, il pleut et il fait frais à Bridlington... N'oubliez pas de prendre quelques pulls, un Kway/manteau et des chaussures fermées...



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May 10 2014 6 10 /05 /May /2014 14:43

The third edition of the Running of the Viaduct of Millau will take place on May 18th, 2014. This running will gather 15 000 runners and more than 10 000 tourists. This one begins with a complete crossing of the city of Millau, by way of the road of Peyre. And after that arrived as high as the Viaduct the runners make a going there and back of the bridge.Then they have to follow the Tarn to come down again in the city. The final straight of the running take place in the street Montplaisir to arrive at the Park of Victoire to celebrate the end of this beautiful running.

                           Couse du viaduc.



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May 9 2014 5 09 /05 /May /2014 15:00

The piano call the pianoforte, is a musical instrument founded on Italia wich have a keybord . There are black and white keys on the keybord . It's to play classical and jazz performences . Piano aren't portable because it's often big . The pianos are very expensive . There are three different sorts of piano : electronic pianos, upright pianos and grand pianos . The the biggest is the grand piano and the smallest is the electronic piano . It's a string instrument . When you press the keys,that tap strings and plays the requested note . On the piano, there are three pedals : soft pedal, sostenuto, and sustain pedal .

-The soft pedal are only on grand pianos .

-The sostenuto (Italian therm) can vibrate a note longer .

-The sustain pedal sustains only those notes that are being held down .




written by Fleur , french pupil                                   

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May 9 2014 5 09 /05 /May /2014 14:36

The colley is a sheep dog. He is Scotish. The Colley was knew with the film “Lassi”. The Colley has got long pile. He weighs between 18-30kg. He measures 51 at 61 cm.  

The colley is very intelligent, soft and patient. He’s very active and he loves run.

He’s also suspicious when he didn’t know the people.  


I choose the colley because it’s my favorite dog and I love this dog  


Written by Saphia, French pupil



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May 8 2014 4 08 /05 /May /2014 10:49

The handball is a team sport where two teams of seven players are in confrontation with a ball on a rectangular ground of dimensions 40m by 20m,separated in twocamps.The first tracks of similar games in the handball go back up in medieval France as well as at the Inuits of Greenland at the same time.The modern game takes his sources in the XIXth century,in Denmark,under the name of <<håndbold>> or still in Czechoslovakia under the name of <<hazena>>.In the 1900,an Irishman of Casey's name introducted a game similar to the handball in the United States.He causes such a craze as a competition would have been even born in 1919 in Los Angeles.However,the handball is considered as a sport of Danish conception.The Dane Holger Nielsen created the rules of the modern handball <<håndbold>> in 1898.In 1919,the German professor Carl Schellenz,of the physical educational Germanic teachers'training college of Leipzig,proposes an adaptation of the Torball (sort of ''swing in the purpose''practised by the German women).He created then the hanball in eleven.


The men's team national of French have got been the world's champions in : 1995,2001,2009,2011.


the men's team national of French have got been the Europe's champions in :2006,2010,2014.


The men's team national of French have got been the JO's champions in :2012 in London,2008 in Pékin.




                                                                                         Les Bleus de retour au sommet après leur victoire en championnat d'Europe dimanche. &copy; Reuters












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May 7 2014 3 07 /05 /May /2014 18:31


Valentino Rossi is the best motorcycle racer. He is Italian, he was born February 16, 1979 in Urbino.
It was 9 times world champion moto gp. He raced on 4 motorcycle diferente (Aprilia, Honda, Yamaha, Ducati). His number is  the 46 and he won 106 race . His nickname is "The Doctor".In 2010, he crashed with a broken leg that caused him to lose some points for the championship 2010.
Now he is 3rd on the championship classement. He can win the championship this years!!






He is my favorite pilot



Killian F.

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May 7 2014 3 07 /05 /May /2014 15:02


 Dance is the art of moving his body. often punctuated by music , instruments or singing
dance is composed of several actions, movements orderly one after the other
you can perform all kinds of figure actions like turning , bending , stretching , jumping, soft arms legs ect ... 

 By combining all these actions that form a choreography. The choreography is never exactly the same we can change the movements that compose her to improve it to make it even more poetic, We can invent an infinity of different movements.The body is used to express the emotions of the dancer through his movements , it can dance alone, in pairs or in groups.

 There are several types of dance whether religious or secular it can be an art, a ritual or entertainment . She often expresses ideas , emotions or tell a story As the tango , classical dance, tap , hip hop, cancan , contemporary dance , belly dancing , flamenco, jazz, madison, salsa, polka, and many other ...

According to the dances , peoples and times when they are born or have been executed, the dance has different ways to practice , very revealing of lifestyle and society .




Dance can be learned in schools with adapted professors trained and paid for herDance is a sport like any other.
They specialize in one or more dances they learn with love and passion to their students. 
There are competitions that are organized with prizes for the best.


Early indications on the execution of dances dating from prehistoric times, where Paleolithic cave paintings attest to the existence of primitive dances.

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May 7 2014 3 07 /05 /May /2014 15:00

Lors du séjour à Bridlington les élèves vont essayer de jouer au cricket avec l'aide des élèves anglais et des professeurs d'EPS. Les règles de ce sport ne sont pas faciles et les élèves anglais vont devoir faire preuve de beaucoup de patience!!
Voici une petite vidéo expliquant les règles (ignorer cependant la partie 5 qui rentre trop dans les détails!).

Le premier élève français à commenter cet article en expliquant quel est le but de ce sport gagnera le 3è challenge!


Bravo à Léa qui a trouvé la réponse au challenge n°2. Le challenge n°1 reste sans gagnant... à vos claviers!!

Bonne préparation...

Miss BGa

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Où est Bridlington?


Bridlington est au bord de la mer, située sur la côte est de l’Angleterre. Bridlington est une ville sympa avec quelques belles maisons. Nous avons une plage, une super piscine, pittoresque églises et quelques restaurants géniaux. Dans le nord est Sewerby (une petite ville) avec un zoo. Il y a beaucoup des collèges, un hôpital, un poste de police…Bridlington est le meilleur.


Article publié par Ellis, élève anglais

Where is Millau?



Millau is a city in the south of France.
It's in Aveyron in Midi-Pyrénnées and it's 120 km from the sea.
In Millau there are two rivers, their names are the Tarn and the Dourbie.
There is also the highest bridge in the world.
In the city there are a cinema, a theatre, some restaurants, lots of Sports Clubs.
There are also three parks and the landscape is very green !!


Article sent by Mona et Lorène, French pupils